Feature: Max Is The ARB Boy Next Door

Feature: Max Is The ARB Boy Next Door

  Max is no Supermodel, he has no portal axles or 6 wheel drive systems. Max is more like the buff Tradie that walks into a pub and draws attention from all around. Performance, practicality and functionality with rugged good looks. Max has all the tools to get...
‘Max the 79 Series’ Extreme Interior Makeover

‘Max the 79 Series’ Extreme Interior Makeover

  The OME Suspension is in, the ARB Barwork is on and it’s time to slide into the drivers seat of Max and check out the extreme makeover that has taken place on the 79 Series interior. ‘Max is the ARB Boy Next Door’ The upgrades include: –...
Max The 79 Series Is Coming To Life

Max The 79 Series Is Coming To Life

‘Max the 79 Series’ is starting to reveal his true character. Join ARB Springwood’s Gary Ford on a tour of the build to date which includes an ARB Frontier Long Range Fuel Tank, OME BP-51 Suspension, ARB 4×4 Accessories Barwork and the best from...
Turn Down The Volume on Max

Turn Down The Volume on Max

Turn down the volume and crank up the comfort in your 79 Series Landcruiser! Before we started fitting out Max, ARB Springwood’s latest build, we’ve taken the opportunity to line the interior of the cab with sound deadening. If you would like to reduce the...